About Us

Major Blessings Movement is a faith-based lifestyle company focused on creating positive atmospheres and uplifting individuals across the world. With simple declarations, inspirational messages and gentle reminders from the Bible Major Blessings Movement aspires to cultivate more environments that will influence people to love without limits, encourage faith and build the kingdom of God.

Major Blessings Movement is a Ministry and a Lifestyle that anyone can be a part of... that includes YOU!!!

  • A true follower of Jesus Christ that has found strength and purpose in her unwavering faith. Her goal is to be a major blessing to others by sharing her personal testimony of overcoming various obstacles through God's grace. From adjusting to life legally blind, divorce and depression to abandonment, and a street life, Chantel has triumphed over adversity with resilience and the love of her savior. Her inspiring story serves as a reminder that a life dedicated to God can be filled with passion and purpose.

    Chantel's infectious positivity, unwavering faith, and compassionate nature create an atmosphere of hope wherever she goes. Despite her own challenges, she empathizes deeply with others and aims to bring light into their lives through her genuine care and support. By fearlessly sharing her journey of resilience and redemption, Chantel spreads a message of hope, reminding everyone she encounters that they too can find strength, purpose, and a profound connection with God, regardless of their circumstances.